Tuesday, April 30, 2013

One Gone

One roommate is already gone and I feel like I lost a little bit of me. We became really good friends over the year and I'm going to miss her so much. Plus tonight the show she introduced me to is on and I'll feel so weird not watching it with her. Tomorrow, the other roommate leaves in the morning, leaving myself and our fourth roommate. I'll most likely be home all day not doing anything.

That is all. I just wanted to write something.


Monday, April 29, 2013

End of the Year is approaching!

Hello again everyone! I've been busy studying for finals, but I managed to fit in a few more adventures before I leave! Three days left!

First of all, my current (and future) roommates decided to visit the building where we are going to live next fall! It's really nice there, we just need to find a fourth girl to live with us! (Got any suggestions for me?)  

Someone drew this diagram of a flower on the sidewalk in front of our future home... 

Today, we took a little walk down to a local Italian restaurant for one final meal together (that wasn't cafeteria food!) We opted for a nice pizza and mozzarella sticks to keep our bellies full. (Not to mention the nice bread we got to eat!)

Yum yum yum ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

And of course we couldn't leave without getting some dessert! Chocolate cake and tiramisu! Delicious!

Soooo good! 

...almost TOO good! We devoured both of them! 

So, with only a few days left, I've been taking it easy....last night I couldn't sleep a wink! I'll make sure to get plenty of sleep for tomorrow's two exams! Wish me luck!! 


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Moving Day

Today was the day we had to rearrange our dorm back to what it looked like at the beginning of the year. My roommate and I are almost done with the process! It looks so different now.

My very messy desk...we moved the spare desk back over to where it used to be. No more TV or Wii for us (;へ:)

Most of our things were moved into our bedroom while moving. It normally doesn't look this messy in here, I swear!

There's my lovely partner in cleaning crime. All four desks were originally on this side of the room, but we moved my desk and the spare desk over to give them room.

That's what's going on so far! My family is coming up to pick up the things I don't need for finals week (extra clothes, supplies, etc.) and then I get to continue my studies. Five more days until I am back home! I can't wait for summer to start!

Have a great day you love bugs!